Welcome lovely people!

     Hey there reader! Welcome to the new Long Range Hustle website. Feel free to take a look around. We've got all the goodies - news, shows, pics, videos, and a place for us to rant about whatever pops into our brains. This is going to be the new HQ for all things LRH. 

     This page is titled news, so let's talk about news! We've got two new shows (and three birthdays!) to announce. The first is at Maxwell's Music House in Waterloo on June 18th. It's the last week that Maxwell's will be open, so it's a big one for sure. AND it is Kyle's birthday, so we'll be extra pumped up for him! Next we're playing The Magpie Taproom in Toronto on June 20th. The 20th is the midpoint between Paul and Josh's birthdays (the 19th and 21st respectively). It's pretty crazy that we've got 3 band birthdays in the span of 4 days. So come celebrate all our birthdays with us!

     An update on the album: our venerable producer Mr. Ryan Pritchard is in the midst of editing the 70GB of raw audio from our recording sessions at Escarpment Sound Studio. Once all the editing is done, we'll be heading back to Escarpment to start mixing. There'll be lots more news about the new album in the coming weeks.

That's about all for now. Thanks for stopping by!

{.if title} Welcome lovely people! {.end}

Copyright  2021 Long Range Hustle

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